Violette1st Lost Episode: Bill’s Suicide

So, once upon a time, I was on YouTube looking for Violette1st episodes and saw a video titled “Violette1st Lost Episode: Bill’s Suicide” and I watch it because I’m a dumb fuck. It starts with Bill, he’s crying because Violette didn’t get him Big Macs.
He goes outside and it’s raining hyper-realistic blood. I was shocked, but brushed it off as a joke. Then, Bill closed his eyes and opened them and they were hyper-realistic. I was shocked, but brushed it off as a gag. Then, Bill took out a gun and killed himself and hyper-realistic gore flew everywhere.
But I brushed it off.
It then cut to Bill’s funeral and everyone was there, even the cat, and they all had hyper-realistic eyes. Then, DaddyOFive came with hyper-realistic eyes and a hyper-realistic gun and shot everyone and hyper-realistic blood flew everywhere.
I was shocked...
But I brushed it off as a gag, because I’m mentally handicapped and in a sped classroom.
Here’s proof: 2+2 = 2+2
See. Me smart.
Then, DaddyOFive came out and killed me. And now I’m writing this as a hyper-realistic ghost.
Seems legit.